Let us be inspired and motivated! ♥

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here!"
(2 Corinthians 5:17)

We are a new creation!
We have a new spirit, a new walk, a new life!
There may be "old" things in our life that we are trying to get rid of.
Maybe we have old habits or addictions that we want to change.
Let us remember today that the new has come.
2012 will bring new opportunities, and it's time for us to be the new us.
Let this be the year that we break old habits and addictions.
Let this be the year that we move forward into a new life of victory.
Let this be the year that we take hold of all the spiritual blessings the Lord has promised--peace, health, protection and victory.

Let us be encouraged today because no matter what is happening in our life right now, we have a chance for a new beginning.
Let us choose today to live the new life that He has prepared for us!


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  1. For every stressful day, GOD is our soothing REST. For every painful sorrow, GOD is our HEALING TOUCH. For every discouraging setback, GOD is our unfailing HOPE. For every raging tempest, GOD is our restful PEACE. There is nothing in our life that could separate us from our ONE, TRUE, and LOVING GOD. We are so blessed. Good morning!

  2. Morning prayer: LORD as i put my hope n YOU give me d wisdom 2 know wen 2 hold on, wen 2 let go & wen to move on in LIFE.. Amen. good morning..

  3. "pRayeR iS my gifT foR you eveRydayTHat you wiLL be fiNe, pRoTecTed aNd Have THe STReNgTH To cope wiTH aLL THe pReSSuReS & STReSS iN liFE!
    gud day

  4. Life's insight:

    everyday is a gift,a new beginning.

    whatever glory or pain we have in the past.


    "yesterday ended last night."

  5. ..Ants nvr sleep...Pigs cnt raise their heads 2look at d sky.. ..Butterflies only liv 4 7days.. ..see, u hav 3more reasons 2b thnkful 4 2day.Being smthng always has its ups & downs. just remmber , while we are complaining abt our situation, sm1 may be wishing he/she ws in ur place. Stay inspired. GOd bless!


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