More Lovely Holiday Gifts From Friends And Loved Ones ♥

Prayer for friends and loved ones:

We thank You, Lord, for friends and loved ones who love us,
who share our sorrows,
who bear our pain,
laugh with us in celebration,
who need us as we need them,
& who give us the freedom to be ourselves.
Bless them with health, happiness, wholeness, life, & love
today & beyond.

I couldn't help but feel really thankful for getting a ton of presents this Christmas 2011.
Each present, I honestly love.
And on each was attached the antithesis of what our modern-day relationships have been reduced to
 (a series of Facebook status updates and 140-character tweets)
~ the handwritten note.

I write this now, surrounded by these presents, each of which appeals to a facet of my personality and is able to capture
 my being child-at-heart sometimes,
my passion for eating,
my passion for learning how to cook,
my love for scents,
my love for writing,
my love for reading,
and my love of beautiful things for the home.

To all those who had me and my family on their lists this year,
To quote one note I received,
"Give and it shall be given back unto you."

Love and light,

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  1. Gd evnng day sally happy newyear

  2. We thank GOD for allowing us to survive 2011. May GOD Bless us and our Family even more in 2012! HAPPY NEW YEAR...

  3. Noli and Liz BarcelonaFebruary 18, 2012 at 2:38 PM

    In this season of hope n cheer, let us be thankful for d blessings of d year that was n d promise of d year to come. despite all d trials n difficulties, always remember that life itself is d greatest blessing of all. A PEACEFUL AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES!

  4. As people greet you "HAPPY NEW YEAR", please remember 2 things:
    1. that the greater part of your happiness depends on your attitude & not onyour circumstances
    2. in seeking happiness for others, you find it for yourself.
    A More Blessed New Year for you & your love ones! Be happy! Stay happy!

  5. Jackie, Sally, Malou and FrancisFebruary 18, 2012 at 2:51 PM

    Before the Clock strikes at midnight,
    from our heart, we greet you all HAPPY NEW YEAR & we thank you for touching our lives with the gift of your person, friendship & love. Know that every act of kindness, thoughtfulness & love you've shared our way is truly appreciated. May the good Lord continue to bless you & your family with an abundance of love, good cheer & good health.

  6. May your blessings come a thousandfold; may the love in your heart never get old; may you find treasures worthier than gold. Happy New Year!

  7. Sheree Dane EscanderFebruary 18, 2012 at 3:06 PM

    Happy new year xa inyo tnan nang. Miss u.

  8. happy new year! cheers! =)

  9. May the coming year bring renewed strength, fresh ideas, sharper mind, unfaltering faith, stronger friendships, good health, more blessings and greater love!

    happy new year to you and your family! have a blast!

    Thank u tita sally..


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