Remembrance, like a candle, burns brightest at Christmastime.

Let's take some time this holiday season to remember those who are now our angels in heaven.
May they watch over us and protect us during our travels.
If we take time to breathe and close our eyes, focusing on the ones we love, we will feel their presence.
They are always with us, especially during the holidays.
Blessings! ♥

(Remembering my loved ones who have gone ahead, especially my beloved Dad...sending them prayers and thoughts of love this holiday season.) ♥

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  1. The other night I lost another friend to illness (stage 4 kidney disease and a stroke). She was only 37 and a single mother of two. It hurts.

  2. ‎@Sally thanks for this reminder! Just a few minutes ago I was saying a silent prayer that hopefully God will send me a person / soul who can be my Confidante, or someone I can hold on to , or someone who can be always there ... I forgot about my late Dad!

    This message reminded me that yes, we can call on our dear departed ones ... I was just thinking that maybe he has already gotten a New Body and reincarnated? Anyways, if he doesnt have a new body or new life, then perhaps he still remembers me and hoping that he'll be there for me.

    Carmela sorry about your loss ... ♥ My childhood best friend Tess passed away a year ago, also from a debilitating disease.

  3. i used to go to light candles for departed loved ones..nice pic..! :D

  4. praying for your loved ones too...

  5. I remembered my dad... every time he was in a jolly mood, he would say, "Happy new year!" :-)


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