Almost end of the year 2012: Fly light through 2013!


To all my friends and loved ones...
Like birds, let us leave behind what we don't need to carry 
~ anger & hurt, sadness & pain, fear & frustration, pride & regret.
Fly light through 2013!

Happy New Year!

And to all the dear followers and faithful readers of this humble blog of mine:
Thank you so much for your love, kindness, support and appreciation.
May God bless you!

Love and light,

Goodbye 2012. Hello 2013!!!!!

Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a "going on" with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.

And as we approach the end of the year 2012,
 I want to share this prayer with all of you...
hoping these words might help all of us walk gracefully into the year 2013.

Let us pray...

Good Lord,

it's the end of 2012...

Only a short time left in this old year

which seemed so new
oh, not-so-long-ago...

Where has the old year gone, Lord?

these past twelve months?

I remember the times

we walked and talked together,
side by side,
You and I...

And I remember the times

when I forgot, somehow,
that You were right there by my side,
always within arm's reach...

And I remember the times I tried to pretend

You weren't there, Lord...

I remember the times when You took delight

in my words and in my work
and I remember the times I ignored You and forgot You
~ but still You loved me
and in Your mercy, You forgave me...

Nothing I've done, Lord,

deserves what You've given me:
all Your love is grace,
an unearned gift
from Your heart to mine...

In return for all You've given me

I have so little to offer

But here comes a new year now, Lord,

and with it my prayer
to live a life more worthy
of all You so freely give me...

In this new year, Lord,

make my resolve strong to be faithful to You,
make my trust deep in Your presence
and strengthen my hope in Your promise,
for without Your help
I know I will fail...

Lord, You offer me only

what is real and true,
good and fair...

In this new year, help me recognize

what and who is false, cheap and fake...

Help me to settle for nothing less

than what comes from Your heart and hand...

Nourish me, Lord:

give me hunger for what is real,
a thirst for what is true,
a wisdom for discerning Your gifts...

It's the last day of the (old) year, Lord...

Shake from my heart what and who has no place there

and wake my heart
to the gift of Your grace
and the dawn of a new beginning...


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