"Unwrapping Christmas ~ the real gifts of Christmas..." ♥

Good morning, good God!

It's almost time for us all
to give each other gifts
on Jesus' birthday:
will You forgive us
for getting that mixed up again this year?

So there's lots of wrapping going on:
paper and foil, gift bags and boxes,
tags and tape, ribbons and scissors...

Everyone's wrapped up in wrapping!

So what I offer You this morning, Lord,
are all the things I'm wrapped up in
that need wrapping...

* I get wrapped up so easily in little things
while the big things that matter go undone...

Unwrap me, Lord, and make me faithful
to things truly deserving my priority...

* I get wrapped up in things that waste my time
and time is one of my most precious possessions,
time You've given me...

Unwrap me, Lord, and help me balance well
my days and nights, my work, and my rest...

*I get wrapped up in daydreams and fantasies
and let my most important hopes go unattended...

Unwrap me, Lord, and sharpen my vision
of what's real and what helps me truly grow...

* I get wrapped up in desires
for what I should not or cannot have...

Unwrap me, Lord, and give me a hunger
for what truly nourishes and satisfies...

*I get wrapped up in hurt and anger, sapping my energy,
keeping me from reaching out generously to others...

Unwrap me, Lord, and free my heart
to be with others and to do for others...

*And I wrap myself up in my self, too:
in my fears, my worries, my disappointments...

Unwrap me, Lord, and let me see the blessings I have
and the gift of Your presence, Your comfort
and Your strength...

Unwrap me, Lord,
so that others shall know and enjoy my gifts...

Unwrap me, Lord,
so that nothing hides me from You and Your love
and the love of those around me...

I have Christmas gifts for others, Lord,
but it's Your birthday
and so I offer You my unwrapped heart
my opened faith, my unsealed trust...

Unwrap me, Lord,
I need Your help ~
I cannot unwrap myself...


Merry Christmas!
This holiday season, let us unwrap the real gifts of Christmas...
Gift of Love,
Gift of Forgiveness,
Gift of Joy,
Gift of Peace.
Let's open them all this Christmas!
Let us tell Jesus thanks for bringing us peace, joy, forgiveness, love, and yes, the fullness of life this Christmas!!

Let us 'unwrap Christmas' and experience its true meaning this year!!

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