Wishing all of you the gifts of peace, love, and joy this Christmas! ♥

A Christmas Prayer

Let us pray...

That abundant strength and courage be given to all who work for a world of reason and understanding.

That the good that lies in each of our hearts may day by day be magnified.

That we will come to see more clearly not that which divides us,

 but that which unites us.

That each hour may bring us closer to a final victory,

 not of nation over nation,
 but of ourselves over our own evils and weaknesses.

That the true spirit of this Christmas season,

 its joy,
 its beauty,
 its hope,
 and above all,
 its abiding faith,
 may be among us.

That the blessings of peace be ours,

 the peace to build and grow,
 to live in harmony and sympathy with others,
 and to plan for the future with confidence.

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